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August 19, 2023
yellow scraps from Making A Lather

I cut and sewed a little bit of yellow this week for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I made 9 patches for diffusion which is done in fall colors. I might add a few brown later this year, and, then, count, and recalculate what I need.

diffusion - quilted twins

I made the pieces, I will need for my older ufos- garlic knots and box kite. The blocks are done, but, the borders and sashings are small pieces that I have cut along the way this year, with the color of the month. It's hard to believe it ...

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August 12, 2023
hollow nine and fish school from Making A Lather

Yellow is officially my favorite color. I find it a difficult color to like in fabric. Pops of it are fun in any scrappy quilt, but, finding a consistent dependable yellow seems difficult. I will keep trying. I made hollow nine blocks and fish school blocks for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy.

hollow nine

I did a final count for fish school blocks, and, I have enough blocks for the pattern kismet from quiltville. I had made the string blocks earlier. But, I forgot at the time, that, I had made them for the pattern. I used a ...

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July 1, 2023
fish school blocks from Making A Lather

I started the red month of the rainbow scrap challenge, by cutting and making fish school blocks. I have over 200 for the Bonnie Hunter quilt called kismet. I really like making them. Making these, I find interesting 2 1/2 inch squares that are alone and unwanted in my 2 1/2 inch square box. poor babies. I have a place yo use them.

I found pieces in red for monkey wrench blocks.

I am just getting started with red. There should be plenty of scraps for fun this month,

I am linking to:

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May 27, 2023
lucky star block from Making A Lather

I am finished with orange for the rainbow scrap challenge in May.  I made 3 orange stars from batiks to add to the stars I have been doing this year. I made them this morning. I am just getting up too early any more.

The Spring flowers have been beautiful this year. The pink roses are from my Grandmother's garden. I rescued them when I was a child. They are blooming this year just like the year I fell in love with them as a young girl. In front of the them are dame's rocket which is one ...

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May 20, 2023
more orange blocks from Making A Lather

The hollow nine blocks are finished using orange and 3 1/2 inch squares.

I have cut orange for  the border of box kite, and garlic knots, the sashings for garlic knots, and the pieces for stashbuster 2023.
I made 2 strip weave blocks in orange for the rainbow scrap challenge.

I am linking to:

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May 13, 2023
orange diffusion from Making A Lather

Orange is the color for the rainbow scrap challenge in May, and, it is a great color for my fall quilt project, diffusion. Diffusion is a quilted twins free pattern. I still haven't decided if I am graduating the background color, yet. But, I can still make 9 patches, and, decide later. I am making my 9 patches using 2 inch strips. It wasn't hard to find orangey little scraps. Finding longer ones, was the problem. Still, I spent a lovely morning sewing strip sets, until, I had a large pile.

I am grateful to have an accuquilt ...

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May 6, 2023
fishy from Making A Lather

I made 25 orange fish school blocks for May's rainbow scrap challenge. I am aiming for 320. I am a 2/3 of the way there.

Hubby found this neat mushroom outback, and, we had a yummy mess of mushroom for dinner. We have never collected this before, and it was huge.

dryads saddle

it was little chewy, but tasted great

And we lived to tell about it.

I am linking to:

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April 22, 2023
lucky star from Making A Lather

This week I worked on my lucky star blocks in purple for the rainbow scrap challenge this month. I still have a week to go before the end of the month. I may still get to work on my girlie girl.

I have had fabrics pulled for a quilt for a while now. I was not in the mood for piecing, so, I started cutting. I am using recycled shirts, and making a kaliedescope quilt found in this older book. I just needed to cut 4 1/2 inch strips. I have other colors that I still need to cut ...

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April 15, 2023
fish school from Making A Lather

I cut and sewed a bunch of HSTS in purple for the rainbow scrap challenge this month . 

long chains

 And, magically, they turned into fish blocks.

I had cut the QSTS for the box kite border. I had enough light qsts to sew them into twosies.

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April 8, 2023
hollow 9 in purple from Making A Lather

My start for purple and the rainbow scrap challenge.

 I cut fish school ( and keeping a close eye on them), and the QSTs for box kite border.

I made 2 hollow nine blocks

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April 1, 2023
more green from Making A Lather

I don't know the color for April, so, I am showing the last of my March green blocks for the rainbow scrap challenge.

I made Lucky star in green.

I lost my fish school blocks last month. I told all my scraps, that, if, they did not rat out the delinquent fish hsts, that, I would burn all of my scraps and start buying new fabric. There was a snitch, and, now, they are back in custody, and the scraps are once again safe.

It is the end of the month and I checked my progress for the PHD ...

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March 25, 2023
cutting for green projects from Making A Lather

I still can't find my 60 or so hsts in green for fish school. All I have left is a picture of the strips I used to cut them. sad... I hope they are doing fine wherever they are.

I cut the qsts for the border of an older ufo Box kite in green

I cut the pieces I needed for lucky stars in green.

I have not been sewing much this week, so, I feel behind for the for the rainbow scrap challenge in March.

I am off for a sew day today, maybe the mojo will be ...

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March 18, 2023
9 patches in green from Making A Lather

I made 35 nine patches using 2 inch strips for a quilt called diffusion. I am only using 4 -5 colors to make the nine patches. This was the first time the color of the month was one of the colors for the rainbow scrap challenge.

I thought I would have fish school blocks to show this week, but, they swam away. I will need to find a bait that will bring them back to me. Here fishy fishy.

I do have 1, and only 1, strip weave block for the month finished.

I am linking to:

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March 11, 2023
green projects from Making A Lather

First taste of green scraps for the rainbow scrap challenge. I made three hollow 9 blocks for my quilt project.

I dug through my 1 1/2 inch green scraps and cut sashings for my garlic knots ufo. 

I made hsts for fish school in green.

I sewed strip sets in green to make diffusion.

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February 18, 2023
go fish from Making A Lather

I have made HSTS for fish school/ kismet in pink for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. hmmm

When I said I was going to keep the rainbow projects simple this year, I may have reduced the projects tooo much. Time to reconsider for the year.

I am actually finished with what I need for this year's rsc projects in pink. I looked around and found an older ufo in pink and brown, that, I am going to see if I can move forward until the end of the month. I don't have plans to finish it ...

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January 21, 2023
go fish - blue from Making A Lather

Last year's quiltville leader / ender challenge was fish school. I did cut all the strips I would need for the triangles according to the rsc color of the month for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy.. This year, I plan to cut the triangles and sew them into fish school blocks. These are the blue for the month of January. Eventually, I will use them in a quiltville quilt called kismet.

I am also cutting the sashings for an older ufo quiltville garlic knots. The blocks are made, but, there are these pesky sashing and border pieces that ...

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November 19, 2022
strings for Kismet from Making A Lather

I spent a few evenings at the treadle making string units. I was trying to make ahead, the units for the fish school blocks, I have been making for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I cut fish school blocks for the leader/ ender challenge 2021 and made  quite a few, but, didn't keep up for the year. So, this year I cut for RSC. And, about that time, Bonnie Hunter shared her pattern kismet of her finished fish school. I decided, I wasn't far enough along, that I couldn't switch to kismet for finishing my ...

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September 3, 2022
fish and crown from Making A Lather

I did a head count of the fish blocks for the year and I have 190 which is about half of what I need. I have the colors ready to cut from this years rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I think I will set this aside until next year and start making blocks. I bought the pattern kismet from quiltville of her fish quilt, and, will use that as my pattern for the top.

oops I have a fish swimming in the wrong direction - silly fish

I finished the orange crown blocks for last month. and, I have 22 ...

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March 16, 2022
progress from Making A Lather

I have 5 quilts I am actively progressing on, but, every now and then, I slip in a few blocks for fun. I have been concentrating on my hunter's star blocks as leader/ enders. Each block takes 3 passes.

So, I have neglected my official leader / ender project -fish school/go fish. I have missed them. I did just a few so that they would not feel too abandoned.

go fish leader/ender challenge
The same with easy breezy....

I have been cutting  these in the rsc colors of the month. These are from reds, January.

easy breezy

I ...

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March 2, 2022
A new goal for March from Making A Lather

 March is here already, and, so far, it is coming in like a lamb which means it will leave like lion. I have a one monthly goal for March. I have the top ready for shine, and, I want to quilt it and bind it this month. I started this pattern in January 2020 as part of the rainbow scrap challenge. After I started, I was smitten.  It is a free pattern offered on moda bake shop. It will be nice to get it finished.

While I am waiting on the next color for March and the rainbow scrap challenge ...

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